Saturday, April 30, 2005

The NHK Conspiracy + major sidetrack...

It just occurred to me at work today... like "Hey!! Isn't Yoshitsune showing *during* Go Con tomorrow???" That's pretty yabai isnt it?? Then realised the later concert is starting at 16:00, so ok, that will give the Takki fans some time to rush home to watch Yoshitsune!! LMAO~~~~

And i was this bored (still hoping to find the Channel @ clip somewhere...), so went digging into the concert schedule again, and i notice this straangggee pattern.

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Source from Johnny's Net

All the 2nd shows on Sundays start at 16:00 whereas those on Sat all start at 18:00!!! Ayashiiiii.... Already i tink it's so weird to start a concert at 4pm in the mid afternoon, but EVERY SUNDAY??? This must be NHK's doing... so that it wun clash with Yoshitsune kana.... Imagine if the concert starts at 18:00, during MC Talk, Takki will prob ask like "I wonder who's watching Yoshitsune..." LOLLLLL~~~~

Me me!!!

But anyway, something off topic. TV Rankings for Yoshitsune. You know they repeat the show within 2 hours after the first broadcast at 20:00hr Japan time on another of NHK's channel? i rem 2 Sundays back, i was rushing back to watch Yoshitsune in Japan... and was cursing and swearing when the restaurant took longer than expected to prepare my take-away, which made me miss the front part of the show!!!! But jus a couple hrs later, when i was flipping channels... "Are? They showing Yoshitsune again..."

I mean i know they repeat it many more times than NHK World on different NHK channels in Japan, but i din realise it was within such a short time. Quite a dumb move really. So i tink the weekly ratings are not really reflective of the viewership because they only take into consideration the very first broadcast. Like i think, for the next 3 weeks, many of Takki's fans (Including me and Loracyn and Syl... LMAO~) will be catching the 10pm repeat cos we wun be able to rush back to hotel/home in time!! And hey, that's THREE of us, thou ONE TV. So much for ratings. XDDD

I really dun want Takki to be bothered by the not-so-fantastic ratings.

Leave the worrying to us ne, Takki.
YOU wa just continue to SHINE. *heart*

We can all witness your brilliant acting... Your signature frown in the show shatters our hearts to bits. Image hosted by We all now think you are REALLY Yoshitsune... We are all SCREAMING at you not to go to Hiraizumi (LOL)... We want to kick stupid Masako and Yoritomo.


His impending death is going to KILL US ALL.... Image hosted by

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