Thursday, April 07, 2005

Takki, Otsukarekun!!!

Uwa... you cannot imagine how PROUD i was when i went to Loracyn's blog and saw her post about the Nikkan Sports Dorama Grand Prix... i was practically GLOWING with pride.


Yoshitsune's ratings may not beat Gokusen's YET, but it still beat Gokusen with more than THREE times the number of points to clinch the Best Drama for the period Apr 2004 - March 2005!! That's like only 12 episodes of Yoshitsune? Hahahhaha... U-RE-SHIIIII!!! In fact, it has twice the number of votes from the number 2 drama, "M no Higeki" (lit, The 'M' Tragedy... huh?? i think this is the one starring Hasekyo and Goro kana?). And let's see, this award is based on reader's poll... did anyone vote for it fervently like we did for the silly Supli? (which until today I still have no idea.... so what happens if Takki wins?? thou he didn't in that... we ALL know who won ne... -_-;;;) But anyone voted for this? Cos i didn't! ahhaha... and that makes me even MORE HAPPY! Cos he won even without our help... HOW GREAT IS HE?? heehee~~~ ureshii ureshii!

And it's a DOUBLE WIN!

Takki tops the Best Actor category too with 16,943 points!!! That's like almost 9000 more pts than the number 2, Goro Inagaki! SUGOI~~~!!! SOOO BERI PROUD OF HIM!!! I am sooo glad that people recognise his talent in acting... ok, i admit, Tsubasa may be a better dancer than him, and Takki ain't exactly the best singer the world has, but his acting skill is DEFINITELY something to be reckoned with. And though Yoshitsune doesn't happen to have the most exciting plot (but I think things are going to get more "happening" from this week's epi onwards), but Takki still played his character well!! i mean truthfully! I am not being bias, but i really do FEEL for his character. Every Sunday i watch Yoshitsune with a growing fear, fear of his impending death... x__x He makes his character sooo alive that now i feel sad when i read factual historical stuff about the real Yoshitsune! AS IF it was really Takki!! Don't you guys feel the same?? ahhahah....

Takki, BANZAI!!!
Yoshitsune-sama, BANZAI!

Everyone, please continue to support Yoshitsune!! Dun give up ne!
Because the ACTION is starting very soon~~~ ^^

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