Saturday, April 30, 2005
The NHK Conspiracy + major sidetrack...
And i was this bored (still hoping to find the Channel @ clip somewhere...), so went digging into the concert schedule again, and i notice this straangggee pattern.
Source from Johnny's Net
Me me!!!
But anyway, something off topic. TV Rankings for Yoshitsune. You know they repeat the show within 2 hours after the first broadcast at 20:00hr Japan time on another of NHK's channel? i rem 2 Sundays back, i was rushing back to watch Yoshitsune in Japan... and was cursing and swearing when the restaurant took longer than expected to prepare my take-away, which made me miss the front part of the show!!!! But jus a couple hrs later, when i was flipping channels... "Are? They showing Yoshitsune again..."
I mean i know they repeat it many more times than NHK World on different NHK channels in Japan, but i din realise it was within such a short time. Quite a dumb move really. So i tink the weekly ratings are not really reflective of the viewership because they only take into consideration the very first broadcast. Like i think, for the next 3 weeks, many of Takki's fans (Including me and Loracyn and Syl... LMAO~) will be catching the 10pm repeat cos we wun be able to rush back to hotel/home in time!! And hey, that's THREE of us, thou ONE TV. So much for ratings. XDDD
I really dun want Takki to be bothered by the not-so-fantastic ratings.
Leave the worrying to us ne, Takki.
YOU wa just continue to SHINE. *heart*
We can all witness your brilliant acting... Your signature frown in the show shatters our hearts to bits.

His impending death is going to KILL US ALL....

"But I love my fans." - Takki

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Yoshitsune #14: Goodbye, Oushuu さらば奥州
In the capital, Kiyomori orders for the arrest of Yorimasa and his son Nakatsuka. Tomomori and Shigehira are put in charge for this. They soon hunt down their location and surround them in a temple in Uji (somewhere to the south of Kyoto). Tomomori asks Yorimasa to surrender but the latter refuses. He then shoots Yorimasa with much regret and tears in his eyes. (This scene is quite ridiculous. I dun see how Yorimasa could have NOT SEEN the arrow coming... The place is only like this big!! Mou~~~ Where's the dramaticism when we need it...*whacks NHK*)
Nakatsuka helps his dying father into the temple and seeing no chance of escape, he commits suicide. (Rem that for the Japanese, it is more glorious for them to kill themselves than die at the hands of their enemies.)
Meanwhile, Prince Mochihito also gets shot on his way to Nara to look for more allies. (This guy is really useless. He dies in his second scene!! -_-;;;) However, his body was found without the head.
Go-Shirakawa hears news of the death of his son and seeks comfort in his cranky concubine.
It is 1180. (Yoshitsune is already 21!! 10 more years... T-T

Yoshitsune hears of this relocation in Hiraizumi and recalls his childhood days with Kiyomori again. (This scene must have appeared for a millionth time now...) He feels sad for Kiyomori that no one can understand his good intentions for wanting to move. But Kiyomori is troubled by other things. Rats appear in his room in Fukuhara and he sees ghostly apparitions of the people he killed. Yorimasa, Mochihito, etc... Gotari witnesses the incident and is told by Kiyomori not to tell anyone about it.
Meanwhile, famine strikes the few remaining in the abandoned capital in Kyoto but the ruling Heike takes no action. Rumours spread that this is the reason why Kiyomori forces the relocation of the capital (because he is unable to deal with the famine situation?). Someone informs the crazy Go-Shirakawa about the situation and Heike's dipping popularity among the masses.
In Kamakura, there are rumours that Mochihito might still be alive, since without the head, no one can be sure that the body found is his. Which means to say, the imperial edict could still be valid. (Aiya.. i dun understand, why care so much about that stupid piece of paper?? They are going to revolt anyway right?? Mou~~) In Izu, Yoritomo finally makes up his mind to take action. He decides to first attack this official. (I think the Minister of Defence.) Tokimasa tells him he can get one of his men Miura Yoshizumi to aid him with a troop of 3000. Yoritomo dresses for war. (And suddenly Masako becomes a meek wife.)
However, the other party learns of Yoritomo's attack and too prepares a troop of 3000 with the help from Ooba Kagechika and Kajiwara Kagetoki. (No bloody idea who...) In the end, due to heavy rain, Miura Yoshizumi's army is delayed and Yoritomo's (small) army suffered a terrible defeat at Ishibashiyama. (ahahah~ Why am i so happy? XDD)
Yoritomo and his men hide in a cave waiting for a chance to escape when Fujiwara Kagetoki discovers them. To their surprise, Kagetoki tells them that since the outcome of this battle has already been decided, there is no point for him to pursue them to death. He tells them to wait for dusk and escape under the cover of darkness. Apparently Kagetoki has sensed that the Heike are losing their power grip gradually and it will actually be to his benefit if the Genji can overthrow them. (Rem that Kagetoki and his allies are not followers of Heike but part of the imperial officials/system that the Heike clan is trying to abolish.) Kagetoki spares Yoritomo's life and for this, Yoritomo is indebted to him for life. (Think this part will be shown in more depth later in the show.)
Meanwhile, Yoshitsune is shocked to learn of his brother Yoritomo's defeat. He feels that he should have gone to help him. But Benkei tells him that it was a situation of Yoritomo's 300 troops versus the enemy's 3000, even if they had went, nothing would have changed. Yoshitsune claims that it is not about winning or losing. It is a matter of fighting alongside with his brother. (Oi oi oi, he doesn't even think much of you, why do you bother yo...)
Over at Yoshinaka's place, he too learns of Yoritomo's defeat and decides he will raise an army immediately to fight whoever. (This party seems particularly eager to fight... They must have been very repressed all these years...)
The Heike learns of the Genji's uprising everywhere and Kiyomori picks Koremori as General, to hunt down Yoritomo.
In Fukuhara, the Heike ladies are enjoying a chrysanthemum viewing party and Yoshiko makes her first appearance. (What a boring party cos all they do is sit and stare at a huge pile of flowers...)
Hiraizumi. Yoshitsune learns that the Heike has sent out an army to hunt down Yoritomo in Kamakura and he feels this time, he must go and help his brother. He asks Hidehira to let him go.
Hidehira: "No!"
Yoshitsune: "Genji blood flows in me too."
Hidehira: "Forget that."
Hidehira tries very hard to dissuade Yoshitsune from going, to protect him. (Awww.... he is REALLY a father to Yoshitsune... a man desperately trying to protect his son...*tears brimming in my eyes*) But Yoshitsune thinks it is his calling. He MUST go. Knowing that he can no longer change his mind, Hidehira decides to help him. He offers to supply and arrange all that he needs for his trip. In addition, Sato Tadanobu and his brother Tsugunobu join Yoshitsune as his kerai (follower) and accompanies him to find his brother.
And so, Yoshitsune and his kerai finally leaves the peaceful Hiraizumi after 6 years as Hidehira sends them off in the distance.
Hidehira (to himself): "Kurou-dono, sonata ga kaereru tokoro wa koko zo!" (Kurou-dono, this will always be a place you can return to!)
Yoshitsune seems to be able to hear Hidehira and nods at him. Then off they go...
(Ikanaide!!!!! OMG, i am sooooooo touched by this scene!!!

Yoshitsune and his kerai finally arrives in Kisegawa (somewhere near Mt Fuji in Shizuoka), where Yoritomo's troops have re-amassed. Thoughts of finally meeting his brother overwhelms him. (You can sooo totally witness Takki's flawless acting here!!! See how tears brimmed up in his eyes in one blink!! Kyaahhh~~~ Takki, You wa SUGOI!!!)
~End of Episode 14~
Yoshitsune #13: Uprising of the Genji 源氏の決起
Apparently in the capital, Munemori makes Yorimasa's son Nakatsuna give up his most beloved horse, a steed called Konoshita. Reluctantly as he is, but with persuasion from his father, he hands the horse over. However, it turns out that Munemori is not a horse-lover at all. He just
wants to use the horse to insult Yorimasa and his son. He changes the horse's name to "Nakatsuna" and has it whipped in public.
Word of this gets to the ears of Nakatsuna and his father. Nakatsuna feels that he has been made a fool in the capital and is very upset. He tells his father he cannot put up with such ridicule from the Heike anymore. Yorimasa too feels that they have been belittled by the Heike since the Taira won the Genji during the Heiji Period (which ended when Yoshitsune's father Yoshitomo was killed). Seems that the Taira thinks that they are no longer capable of anything, so much so that even Munemori, who is only what he is now because of his father Kiyomori, dares to throw his weight around and bully them. Yorimasa has had enough of living in the
shadows of the Taira. So much for staying loyal to the Taira for 13 years... He decided that he wants to produce proof of his existence (lit.). He wants to wage war on the Taira. But to do that, he needs someone with power to back him up.
That person is Prince Mochihito, the third son of Go-Shirakawa. Yorimasa approaches Mochihito to aid him in raising a revolution to fight the Heike. Mochihito, like Yorimasa, is neglected by the imperial family as he is not the Crown Prince. He agrees to help Yorimasa.
Yorimasa begins his revolution by ordering Shinguu Juurou to be a messenger. (The opening part of this episode where they always put up extra bits of background info about Yoshitsune, they re-introduce Shinguu as a "trouble-maker", like in English. I tot it was so funny to hear something so modern ("toraburu meeka") coming from a Taiga drama. LOL~ But indeed, he IS a troublemaker. If he had not told Ushikawa his real identity, Yoshitsune would not have had such a wretched childhood. -_-;;; But then there will be no show...) The latter is to get all the
surviving Genji to re-group and rise against the Heike. And for some reason as if to define his critical role in this revolution, Shinguu changes his name to Minamoto no Yukiie.
Go-shirakawa, who is being imprisoned in Tobadono Palace, hears about this impending Genji uprising and becomes worried of what will become of him. He seeks comfort from his concubine Tango no Tsubone. Tsubone is also imprisoned in Tobadono by Kiyomori for some reason. Her
late husband was a Heike. (And i tot Go-shirakawa is crazy enough. His concubine is cranky like him too!)
Yukiie stops by to visit a brothel (can't find an alternative word...) before he set off to hunt down the Minamoto. Here, he lets slip of his new mission, which proves to be a fatal mistake later. (He is over the moon that he has been given such an important mission...)
The first Genji that Yukiie meets is Yoritomo, who has now "upgraded" to staying at Houjou's residence. He shows Yoritomo the letter written by Prince Mochihito calling for the rising of Genji against the Taira. To his surprise, Yoritomo says he is still an exile and sends Yukiie away. In actual fact however, Yoritomo is elated that he has not been forgotten in the capital.
That night, Tokimasa urges him to take action quickly and offers to amass troops for him but gets scolded by Masako, who thinks they should observe the situation first before making any oves. This is also Yoritomo's intent. (Suddenly, the entire Houjou clan treats Yoritomo like their leader.... What the... -_- Did i miss anything?? Why the sudden change in attitude??)
In Hiraizumi, Hidehira asks Yoshitsune what he will do if war breaks out between the Heike and Genji. The latter replies without hesitation that he will fight as a Genji.
Hidehira: "So that means your blade will be turned toward Kiyomori?" (lit.)
Yoshitsune: "... ..."
Hidehira: "You once thought of him as your father. Will you be able to face in battle as an enemy?"
Yoshitsune: "... ..."
(whacks Hidehira... STOP confusing our poor boy already.)
Tokimasa and Masako are having a discussion with their people. Seems everyone is willing to revolt against the Heike and lend their troops to Yoritomo. But even then, it seems that they do not have enough troops.
In Shinano, Tomoe is training Yoshitaka in archery. (Their relationship is complex like hell!!! OK, Yoshinaka is Yoshitsune's cousin. Tomoe is actually the auntie of Yoshinaka's official wife (!!?), but she is also Yoshinaka's *coughs* lover. The small boy Yoshitaka is the offspring of Yoshinaka and his official wife. There you go. Complicated.) Yoshinaka thinks she is too strict with the poor boy but Tomoe thinks otherwise. Soon, Yukiie appears at their place. Unlike Yoritomo, Yoshitaka is very hyped up about the uprising.
Finally, Yukiie reaches Hiraizumi and looks up Yoshitsune. Yoshitsune shows his followers the letter and they get very hyped up about the revolt too, but Yoshitsune is in a dilemma. Kiyomori is afterall, the father of his sister Yoshiko. But he is a Genji and has no choice but to fight for the Genji. (OMG, that troubled frown appears again... POOR BOY!!! *daku*)
Back in the capital, news of Yukiie's "pilgrimage" got to the ears of the Heike (rem he leaked the news at the brothel?). Kiyomori calls for the arrest of Prince Mochihito, as he is the mastermind in name. However, it seems that Mochihito got news of it and manages to escape before the Heike got to him. Kiyomori thinks there is a traitor in their group and sends Tomomori to Yorimasa's house to seek his opinion.
However, when Tomomori arrives at Yorimasa's place, he is shocked to see that Yorimasa and his son have set fire to their house and are gearing up for war. He rushes back to inform Kiyomori that Yorimasa is the traitor and everyone is shocked as Yorimasa has always been loyal to the Heike. Some of them think it is because of the horse incident caused by Munemori.
In Hiraizumi, Hidehira tells Yoshitsune that Yoshinaka is already amassing troops but Yoritomo is not taking any actions yet. Yoshitsune says he will definitely help Yoritomo if the latter decides to join the battle as he is his brother. Hidehira stops him. He advises Yoshitsune not to belittle Kiyomori's power. He has grown so powerful in the capital that imperial edicts (the letter issued by Prince Mochihito) are no longer as powerful as they used to be. He advises Yoshitsune to lay back and observe for the time being.
The calm before the storm is coming to an end...
~End of Episode 13~
Monday, April 25, 2005

Oh, i wrote in my previous entry that i went to Mask 2 Cafe. Couldn't post up pictures at that Shibuya internet cafe previously so will do so now. Took a little trip to the Johnny's shop (just to make sure that there's nuttin new... and there isn't. lol~) before i began my Cafe Hunt and there was this single sakura-still-surviving tree...
It was quite funny when i took this pic. Cos it was a Sunday, and the cosplayers are out as usual directly opposite where i took this picture. So you can imagine EVERYONE was aiming their cameras behind me while this looney girl was the only one taking a pic of the other side. haha~ So anyway, after the Johnny's shop, i began the Cafe Hunt. And as i already wrote in my previous entry, wat a hunt! I am very proud to say that my Takki Hunting Skills haf gone up one notch.
I have come to realise that Harajuku is much Much MUCH MORE than jus Takeshita Dori, Meiji Dori and Omotesando. All the neverending snaking lanes of shops beyond the main streets that i never knew existed.... And that is where the elusive cafe lies. LOL~
I actually heard Kamen before i even saw the cafe... hahah.. and was looking all over the place like... WHERE IS THE MUSIC COMING FROM!?!??? And then nearly banging into the green wall when i kept looking across the street thinking it was on the other side. And then i saw it!!! The performance vid was already showing halfway and i just stood there, FIXATED.
*flatline... ...*
i tink i was totally blocking the narrow street but i din care... Takki, he looked soooooooo BLOODY GOOD!!!! And oh, the dance is TRULY TRULY STYLISH. The dance sequence ain't obvious in the PV but holy cow, it's SMOKING HOT!!! There's this part where they will move their hands kinda like clockwork style... and and...the FINAL POSE that Takki struck... ive said it in the previous entry but i shall say it again... The way he flicked his head and STARES into the camera... &*()*)(#X()(UUGYGSGAJGZZY@*(NUZX)IAW{Q(_ZMIWIO;a&^*^B*((*()*&&%^%&^XB*WN(QZ&P(MX^ &*#X&*V!B%(N#!*NM#*(XN)#^Z&*(!&XB#(^B*!^#&*^X#&*^*^X$N*BNY*&X@^*&^#&*!@%((*@R$(_@(@*$NUX()NUISYQUIYSUIYQ*(E&*(!@&^#^R!#R!#)_()_(X)_E(@*XE()@X&*N)$*($....
i wasn't planning to order anything from the cafe initially, but decided i needed to watch the vid again and again and so got myself a seat and this GREEN LATTE. It din taste that bad cept for the weird colour. Sat at a table just outside the cafe since inside was full and waited for the vid to replay, trying at the same time to pretend to be NORMAL and not SCREAM OUT like a crazy fan. hahahhahah~~~ They cycled thru a few vids, most of which u can download from the Mask 2 website. And then the performance vid will come on and then everything will go repeat. And i swear (and u can see from the pic above), everyone will stop watever they are doing and stare at the screen everytime the performance comes on.. ahha, and a few passing by the cafe will stop to look too. (And it is when they did that that i whipped out my cam to steal a shot) Ahaha, the POWER OF T&T. The dance is
(that's not even, not to mention complicated.. ahhaha... how the hell are we gonna learn it for the concert??? We gonna get all our arms and legs tangled..
So anyway, i sat there for i dunno how long, but i think i watched about 7-8 cycles of the vids before FINALLY tearing myself away... and i noticed a single sakura tree next to the cafe too. Seems like that's the mark for T&T... hahahha... *totally whacked out brain*.
So that was it for the Mask 2 Cafe Hunt. Spent the entire Sunday afternoon on it. And it was worth every single step and second. hahaha~~~
So anyway my Study Tour started the following day and i went to Kinugawa, and ohhhh, the sakura was in full bloom there!!! SO pretty!!!
Sakura tree-lined road... This is the whitish species.. and with the mountainous backdrop... kireeeiiii~~~~ The weather was pretty darn cold too. When the wind blows, the white petals will fly everywhere... uwaaaahhhh~~~
This is the pinkish species. It is already midst of full bloom and the flowers are starting to drop off, but still, with the blue sky... pretty~~~
It is 子供の日 on 5 May (Children's Day) in Japan, so pple will put up those carps decorations, (i forgot what they are called) in celebration for it. They are pretty big and seeing a whole string of colourful carps fluttering in the wind, quite a sight i must say!
I got to stay in a hot spring hotel for one night and we each got a HUGE 和室 (Japanese-styled room) to ourselves. hahaha~ And mama mia, when i went outside to the balcony and saw the view, i was totally squealing away... The sound of the rushing water, the cold COLD weather (i kept thinking about the cold waters in Titanic.. ahhahaha.. baka!) I was just AMAZED. Everyone should just stay in this hotel, Kinugawa Onsen Hotel... The view is so nice!!! And i got to know the manager very well, hahah.. he even knows i like Takki now. *whacks* And i went to dip in the hot spring late at night by myself... so that i wun run into any pple i know.. ahhaha... there's an open-air bath... uwaaaa..... LUXURY!!!
The next day, we went to a few other places, including this Tulip Farm at a place called 佐倉, coincidentally also read as Sakura (confusing eh?) There's even a windmill there. Nuttin if u've been to Holland to see the real thing but still nice i tot. The never-ending stretches of colourful tulips.. ano... tulips right??
I actually even went to Narita-san Temple... And i din realise it is THAT NARITA-SAN TEMPLE (The one that Takki went to for Setsubun, that bean-throwing ceremony!!!) until i left!!! So i din take any pics of it... *stab myself* But it's a pretty HUGE temple. Its compound is as big as Kiyomizu or bigger i think...
And then i also went to tour the Roppongi Hills area, all the time thinking that this is where T&T hung out once, thou i forgot when and for what... hahah~
And oh, lastly, but most importantly, after my business meetings, we got a chance to visit the Tabi Fair (some travel fair) at Makuhari Messe and HOHOHO, imagine my ECSTACY when i found this!!!!!!!!! It's TOTAL BLISS when Takki appears in the course of your work... naturally.... ahahahahhahahhahah~~~~~~~ URESHII~~~~~~
It's some Chiba Prefecture booth i think, i dunno why Yoshitsune is the theme, but who cares!!! IMMEDIATELY HOPPED OVER AND TOOK A PIC WITH YOSHITSUNE-SAMA... And i wonder, is Yoshitsune/Takki really this tall??? hahahahhha... This could well be the closest i can get to taking a photo with Takki!!! (i tot i will get a chance to don that costume the lady is wearing but noo... oh well). Which reminds me, at Kinugawa/Nikko area, there is some Heike no Furusato 平家の故郷 place which is where the Heike pple fled to and stayed in after they lost to the Genji. Can't rem if it was a recreation or original thou. Hahah, i so want to go there if i haf a chance. I'm living Yoshitsune!!! There was also someone dressed in the samurai gear... oh... if only it was Takki. FAT HOPE!
Then just when i think this is IT, i discovered something else!! There is actually a YOSHITSUNE BOOTH at the FAIR!!!!! Wakakakkakakkakakakakakka... *floats to Heaven* They were playing some Making of Yoshitsune video and u wear this special glasses which will make the images become 3D!!! Kyaaah!!! i wanted to GRAB Takki when he appeared.... ahhahah, but of cos i din, pple will think im nutz groping air!! I was sooooo high i couldnt register what was being said in the clip, but i rem Takki laughing and there was a guy holding an umbrella over him... to keep him fair ne, hahahha.... STAR treatment indeed.
I was sooo darn excited like a little rabbit i jus went straight up to one of the guys in the booth after watching the vid and UNBASHFULLY told him i am a HUGE FAN. He just smiled at me, and while i was snapping away at the booth, he waved me over and took somethiing from behind the counter and gave it to me!!!
A special Sutera publication for Yoshitsune!!!!!
TOTALLY IN HEAVEN. Who would have guessed that a trade fair would be THIS exciting??? LMAO~~~ And he just guessed that i am a BIG FAN of Takki (and not just Taiga dramas)... hahah, but it must be so obvious. Which Taiga fan will get soooooo excited like me? muahhahahha~
They were also selling some special Yoshitsune omiyage sweets (thou i din buy) and had like pictures of Yoshitsune and the other cast all over the booth... i am thinking this is part of the Yoshitsune display at NHK... which i will go NEXT MONTH!!! Yeaaah~~~~ Anyway, some of the pics i took of the booth...
Oh dear, i realised this is a very graphic intensive entry... haha, i wonder what's the limit of photobucket. So yeah, this is what mainly happened for my trip this time... hohoho~~~ Packed with Takki Essence yeah? Such a looong entry... yet i can't write a single word for my official report. haaa~~~
okok, shall stop here and work on my super delayed Yoshitsune synops.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Anyway, Loracyn just sent me the Kamen PV... weird is that?? the PV was shown here, on i dunno which channel, sent to Singapore and mata back here again... LOL.. BUT OH MY LORDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT IS SOOOOOO STYLISH!!! CLASSY!!!! AND SOOO SUBTLEY ERO!!!!
THAT PART WHERE THEY REACH FOR EACH OTHER`S MASKS!!!!! Aiyoooooooo!!!! *HEART THUMPING* At first i din notice the masks on their faces at all!!! was just STARING at their hands thinking like...what are they gg to do?? wat are they gg to do??? And oh MAMAMIA!!! Takki looks EXCEPTIONALLY GORGEOUS AND SEDUCTIVE covering part of his paint-smeared face with his hands!!! ADOIZ!!!! Particularly the very last close up shot!! SERIOUSLY, TAKKI HAS THIS THING IN HIM TO STARE INTENSELY AT THE CAMERA THAT WILL MAKE YOU *MELT*.
Since the PV was shown jus yest... MEBE THEY WILL!!! okok... i shall go there LATER and out??? hahhaha.... but at the rate where i get approached by about 3 pple every to either sell things or join dunno some ayashii stuff, doesnt seem like a good idea to hang out there by myself eh? I shld go back to watch Zubari! hahahh.
And oh, i completed my initial mission!
And oh my god, that was one hella mission. I embarked on it 2 days ago, the day i reached Takki Land, armed with only the address from the Mask 2 website, which wasn`t of much help. I mean, Meiji-shingu mae 6-15-9.... I DUNNO HOW JAPAN ADDRESSES WORK!!! I was walking up and down the loooooong Omotesando in that CRAZY crowd but just couldnt find it!! I fig it probably wasn`t along the main streets. But i was too embarassed to ask the koban again. Years ago i asked the Koban for directions to an art studio called `Rocket` at Kita-Aoyama cos that was where the BokuMado photo exhibition was held and the policeman actually replied like `Ah! Takki desu ne?`.... it was sooooo embarassing but funny as well. LMAO~~ Apprently many pple couldnt find the place as well. So anyway, this time i was determined to find it by myself. And oh my god, i tink i spent like 2 hrs at least?? It took me like mebe 1hr to figure out that it was PROBABLY 6 丁目... cos theres no 15 丁目 and 9 丁目... i dun think the last number should b the 丁目. So ONE HOUR of walking up and down Omotesando and Meiji-dori, i placed my bet that 6-15-9 probably means 6丁目15番9号. That street name they put... `Harajuku Cat Street`(???) was ENTIRELY USELESS.
But figuring out what the numbers mean is only a start.. i had to track down its location!! Went up and down the subway stations to look at the maps and orientate myself... And then finally found the right 丁目. Thank god their lamposts tell u where u are..
When i found like 6-17, i was ESCSTATIC... so i walked somemore and then..
`are? 6-10??`
*backtrack and tried another turning*
*tried another way again`
*legs breaking...*
`5-13?????? MAJI DE?!!`
i dunno how many times i walked round and round the place in circles. The pple clinging on to the railings must haf notice this looney girl gg past them like i dunno how many times... ahhahah~~~ soooo.. 2 HOURS LATER...
I FINALLY FOUND 6-15!!!!! *applause*
And good thing was, finding the 9号 was so easy... u jus walked along the street and before i knew it, i almost banged into the GREEN WALL!!! LMAO~~~~ I din expect it to be on my side of the street and kept looking across to the opposite site.. hahahha... And ohhhh.... IMMEDIATELY I HEARD KAMEN... MOE~~~~~~~ It is not a very big cafe... but inside was full. Theres only a 2-seater left outside. i just stood outside the cafe, totally fixated at the screen.
(which compared to the PV, u can see the dance much better.)
It was already playing when i got there so i only watched the second half, then after that they started showing other stuff like the trailer and all. It`s so awkward for me to jus stand there and wait.. so wat the heck. i decided to try one of the GREEN stuff they are offering. Got a GREEN LATTE. Then realised there are normal food too. LOL. So the Kamen performace came back after the other vids and hahahhah... MOE MOE!!!!! VERY VERY COOL!!!!! Pple who walk by the cafe will all stop to see a bit, and EVERYONE in the cafe will stop their conversations and watch the vid. I bet they are all fans...ahahhaha.... i took a pic actually but cant connect my cam to the comp here. Will post when i get back. So anyway, sat there for almost 45mins and watched the performance i dunno... about 7-8 times??? HIAKHIAKHIAK. But oh,
The last part where they make a final pose, Takki kinda flicked his head and did his KILLER INTENSE STARE.....
The PV doesnt show it...but oh my GAWD... EVERYONE MUST SEE IT!!!! I hope can see in their live performances.
ara ara, want to blog about many more things, but running outta time. Gotta rush back to take my dinner and watch Zubari. Dunno if i will still have time to use update. We shall see....
Sore jya!!!
*Fat Hope. Cos hes not even in Tokyo.*
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Off to Takki-Land~
Me at Singapore Changi Airport now, waiting for my flight to Japan. ^^ No, no, not for concert, that's next month! LOL~ This is for work... gyaah, im gg to be without internet-access-at-my-fingertips for the next 6 days... x__x How terribly dependent haf i become on internet yo... and we all know who made it that way... hiakhiak. So anyway, for those who dun already know, me will be going Tokyo and back only on 23rd Apr. This is purely for work so i have limited time to roam around by myself (read: Takki hunting). i am STILL hoping that i will run into Takki on the streets.. LMAO *whacks*
Will be reaching Tokyo next morning and have the whole day to myself... think im gonna run to the FC and see if the rumour that Kamen PV is being played there is true... hah. Shall go find the Miracle Cafe too, thou it's exact location is kinda bimyou...
Will try to find internet access when i reach Japan and post anything interesting that i might find (read: Takki related) if i can... Oh dear, the comp is gg to log me out, so see ya guys!
Keep tagging!
Monday, April 11, 2005
Yappari it's the hair... *heart*
And issit jus me or did Tsuba slipped a bit on the curtain when he was walking out to the front part of the stage at the beginning? Thank goodness our Ohime-sama didn't fall! And gaah!! The dance!!! The super cool anti-crease satin suits!!!!!

Look how PERFECT it is!!!! Holy cow!!!
I don't think his hair colour looks that auburn as some pple claim it is.. its just KANPEKI AS EVER!!! We seriously need to award his hairdresser with something... AMAZING PIECE OF ART!! *thumbs up*
And then and then the dance!! Oh... certainly very Diamond-rashii... (oh man, MAN IN SUITS never had such appeal) HIGH PRECISION seems to be the theme... hohoho... but boy, it does look a tad complicated to follow!! That flicking of wrists... anoo sa, Takki... Mebe u can consider adding a wristguard as a concert good?? It doesn't bother me one bit that there are no props.. hahah.. i tink we have enuff of them. Anymore and everyone will probably hafta sign indemnity forms at the entrance!!
And there is this one particular part that I found particulary SEXY!! I think its in the Mezamashi one, where Takki first started singing his part solo. (EVERYONE, quick go and rewatch!!)

I am supposed to finish up my Yoshitsune #13 synopsis today but got soooo thrown off by all the movie premiere clips... darn.. LOL. And Yoshitsune #14 today, WASN'T boring at all!!! In fact, i was like eh??? when it ended.. Time seems to fly for this epi. He finally left Hiraizumi to help his brother today.. i was like "dun go dun go!! he's not gonna appreciate it.. he will kill you!!!"
This is the beginning of the end..

Anyway, gotta go sleep... but before that, as a parting pic...