Tuesday, July 25, 2006
「Ho! Summer」 PVについて一言。
The puuuuurrrrrFECT T&T Honeymoon!!!!!!!!! LOL~~~
Natsu never looked so fun!!!!! Muahhahahahahhaha!!!!!!!!!!!
The governor of Saipan (if there's one) should seriously consider signing T&T as Saipan Ambassadors!!! They make the place look so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Takki was just grinning and grinning and grinning and grinning and grinning and grinning away!!!!!!!!!! He must be really HAPPY!!! *squishesssss* But someone needs to BAN him from shaving his hair anymore!!! The hair on the right side of his head that is.
Clip credits to Loracyn.
Monday, July 24, 2006
My hisashiburi Saturday out...
Loracyn and Cheryl, we must do this KARAOKE MARATHON again sometime!!!
So anyway, i said i must show you gals this clip where JJ sang some of the songs he wrote for other singers and how absolutely AWED i was (and so was the audience) when i watched it on tv last year. He did a similar piano segment in his concert too. *swoons* Kun, i totally agree with you. Guys who can play the piano and sing at the same time are REALLY attractive. (Which by the way, TAKKI DID THAT FOR NEGAI TOO IN HATACHI CONCERT!!!! Muahahhahaa~~~~~ Thou it was kinda weird cos he was half nekkid!! Very distracting. LOL~~) Anyway, kudos to youtube technology, if not i may never get to watch this again. Ahahaha....
So anyway, the songs he sang were...
1) 末日之恋 (written for 张智成) <-- Really LOVED his rendition.
2) 我们 (written for Energy)
3) 当你 (written for Cyndi Wang)
4) 爱笑的眼睛 (written for Vivian Hsu) <-- KYAAAH!!! material.
I am ESPECIALLY BLOWN AWAY by the last song he sang. This song is so hard to sing even for a girl and of course I know he lowered the key but STILL!!! He managed to hit the high notes so perfectly!!! OH MAN, HE NEEDS TO RELEASE AN ALBUM WITH ALL THE SONGS HE WROTE FOR OTHER SINGERS!!!!! So anyway, the event was Singapore Hits Award 2005, a yearly music award show based in Singapore. Now HIT THAT PLAY BUTTON!!!
Well, and I thought I better put this up soon too before something happens to Youtube. *touch wood* The song that has been on repeat mode in my head the entire week and yet i failed to sing it at karaoke cos it wasn't available!!!! BUT I REALLY LOVED THIS SONG A LOT. (The audio quality of the clip is kinda "hollow" though. Couldn't find a better one.)
Presenting... (Sa rang hae yo) 只对你说 by JJ Lin Junjie!!!! My 国宝. LOL~
(Song trivia: This song contains 3 languages. Mandarin, English and Korean. XD And hey, i just found out, he not only wrote the melody this time, he wrote the lyrics himself too!!! So talented. *gushes*)
Recently taken to calling him "Beefy-chan" cos he gained so much muscles for his 曹操 album!!! Trying to get used to seeing his cute dimpled face on such a muscular body. Saaaayyy.... doesn't this remind you pple of someone else??? See? I am CONSISTENT. MUAHAHHAHAH~~~~ Gawd, I need to get him to write a song for T&T. That will be puuuurrrFECT!!! XDDDD
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Happy Birthday to YVIE / DVD rankings
If you haven't seen that gif up there yet, i'm sure you will be SQUEALING at it... DAMN CUTE OR WHAT?????? HHAHAHHAHAHHA... *I WAS* squealing when i saw it. The person who made this is so damn good at drawing!!! So yea, dun mind a seemingly broody Shanaou gif for a birthday message. (Just realised "broody" also means a woman who wants to have a baby very much... Huh??! LMAO!!) Anyway, something wrong with my template codes so i could never get upsized or bold words to appear anything but black, if you guys noticed. Thus to make up for the lack of colour, and i already used up both T&T birthday icons for Loracyn's birthday post below, so end up using this. Heehee...
So, time really passes so fast!! Didn't I just wished you Happy Birthday not so long ago?? And when did we meet? I rem I was the one who stumbled onto your site from I-forgot-where. At that time, it was still at Blogdrive. Think it has been about 2 years?? Anyway, thanks for being who you are, and being on the "same frequency" as me, or so i think. XD And actually being able to empathise with me on my "job crisis", since you are, or were in the crisis too. Hahhaa... Glad to know we're not alone isn't it? *arm-cuff Loracyn* So, really hope to see you in Takkiland. AND I SAY THIS EVERY YEAR!!! OEI!!! Make sure a SIZEABLE portion of your pay goes to Takki Fund so that this wish will come true one day ok?? Thou i've already sent my most of my wishes by sms earlier in the day, I shall say it again.
All the best in HEALTH (very important), FINANCES (lol), CAREER (if it exists), LOVE LIFE (i dunno who you are thinking), and everything else. What did i miss?? Aiya, LIFE lah, if you know what i mean. Hahahhah~~~~ There you go, 4 more weeks before you are dismissed from MIA Camp and attendance is compulsory at T&T Bubble when that happens. You get me??
So that's for Yvie. For the rest of us, more news to rejoice! I was just surfing around and realise T&T's DVDs topped the daily pre-order dvd charts for both HMV Japan (chart on left) and Tower Japan (chart on right) today!!!! YEAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Happy Birthday to LORACYN / Takki updates...
Welcome to the Quarter-crisis Club. *dishes out a brand new sparkling membership card* LMAO~~~ No, we didn't eventually go for karaoke without you. So you still do have some fate with karaoke. Quick, think of your song list. XD Anyway, i think this age means a lot to us, or rather, reaching this age. =__= The age where we all start to worry about our life, our career, our health, our family. What have we achieved, where we are going, etc etc. Gawd... yappari being an adult sucks. I am so not ready for it I think. Yvie!!! I am so with you on this one!!! Wish we can stay as a no-responsibility/no-worries young adult forever!!! But oh well.. reality (sucks). Ok, what am i saying??? this is supposed to be a birthday message!!! LOL~~~ *slaps self outta depression* Gomen, gomen!!! Warukatta. So ANYWAY, let's begin a new paragraph. LOL.
Yeah, this is better. So, i wish that in this new year of your life, you will *coughcough* stay healthy. No more post-trip illnesses, buzzing ears, drippy nose, light head, hot forehead, etc etc etc. And I wish that you-know-who will call you up soon for you-know-what so that we can all meet in you-know-where. LMAO. Wakaru desho?? THEN, hope you will finally sort out what to do career-wise and embark on a no-regrets journey. (Not like me, still stumbling around in the dark. x_x) Plus, all the best for your studies as well!! And of cos, continue to be raburabu with ___. (Fill in the blanks as deem fit. LMAOO~~~)
Yup! That's it for now. So when are we going to karaoke???!???? *dying to sing*
Moving on to T&T ne. Yes, all of you who were whining and whining non-stop about the previous T&T Drought, you have no right to complain about the rush now. LOL. I was updating my "Events" column you see on your right and wow, so much to update. Thou i still feel i'm missing some. Hmmm... so, what has happened in the T&T World since my last update??
- Tsubasa's concert tour, which i was so shocked to find out. So out of the blue!!! And so rushed!! My goodness. I imagine all the overseas Tsuba fans going into major panic mode if they hope to see this at all. Good luck to those folks!!! And how naive i was. I texted Loracyn telling her that since Tsubacon ends on 1st Oct, we should be safe until Nov, for unitcon that is. You see, we are all pretty broke people here and trying to gain as much time as we can to save up for Takki... until the bomb dropped on us about...
- Takizawa Recital 2006!!!!! KYAAAHHH!!!!!! NANI SORE??!??!?!??? AND EVEN MORE OUTTA BLUE!!!!! Nothing was mentioned about this at all!! (And Loracyn was asking me in that sms, what the hell is a recital?!? LOL. The truth is, i'm not sure either. The only image i have of a recital is like someone playing a violin alone on stage, or singing alone on stage, on playing the piano alone on stage...) Initially I thought that it would be a simple thing where he will just erm.. stand there and talk and sing. But then again, since when has Johnny ever had an non-extravagant event?? So now that we have more news about it, supposedly it will *not* have water and fire effects (LOL), but have music and dance and *cough* illusion!!! SO WE WERE ALL DUPED! We all thought that his trip to Vegas was for the next Enbujo. But noooo... it was for this. He apparently went to learn magic from this magician called Franz Harary in the day (at some desert!!) and watched shows at night. Oh gawd. So now Takki can add one more thing to his profile. An idol cum actor cum singer cum host cum comedian cum Papa-to-chibi-juniors cum producer cum wrestler-wannabe cum magician??!?? *clap clap clap* I thought it will be like another musical since the venue is like Shimbashi Theatre but Johnny's Net categorise it under "Concerts" and not "Butai". Hmmmmm...... Anyway, i think this will be a great opportunity for fans to learn more about the real Takki ne. He would be portraying about his life as an idol and stuff. You know it really sounds like something a veteran is doing... but 11 years in the industry, i guess he does count as a semi-veteran. Hurrr..... So yes! Am i going or not. Though I am blurdy tempted to, but my bank account is like approaching FLATLINE. After 2 months of unemployment and 2 trips abroad, I guess it's my "retribution". DESPERATELY looking forward to 1st paycheck from new job. *cough cough cough* I think this time is really impossible... ... ... ... ...
(Althou Northwest is currently having an amazing promotion at only $399!!! Oooohh, but those crazy taxes... =_=)
- Release of "Ho! Summer" on 9 Aug, also Singapore's National Day. The main song is selected as theme song for a TBS drama called "Gachincho Return Kids". Whatever that means. LOL. Say, this is the first time that their song is used as the main theme when none of them actually stars in the drama ne?? The song is also used as campaign song for this baseball team called Yakult Swallows in Japan. I bet they must be sponsored by Yakult. So they get free Yakult before every match??? I like Yakult better than Vitagen. Hhahahhha... going completely off track. So anyway, they will have a "Dancetime" segment during home matches and they will play the song so that the audience can dance along to it. So I guess they will be taught the moves in advance to do that. By who?? I dunno, but T&T are scheduled to make an appearance at one of the home games, but no one knows which one.
- T&T went to Saipan to shoot the PV for the new single! At first I thought Saipan was somewhere in Thailand... LMAOOOOO~~~~~ But it DOES sound Thai, don't you think so??? But yea, now i found out it's somewhere in Western Pacific Ocean. Wherever that is. XD. So yeaaaaa, a PV consisting of 2 boys engaging in beach play now seems very possible!!! XDDDDD *pops champagne*
- Release of Tsuba's solocon DVD on 16 Aug. Yes, it's about time. And good news for Tsuba fans and whoever else planning on getting it, sale not restricted only to J-web!!!! XDDDD I'm not if this one contains footage where Takki was the guest and went onstage in his dorky kawaii specs. Heee... i wanna see that naa.... And this one contains an original strap.
- Release of Takki's solocon DVD on 30 Aug. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! Like hello, his concert was in end Dec, that's almost 6 months ago!!! So we can expect Enbujo DVD to come out from Oct/Nov onwards?? x_x But better late than never, though the song list doesn't seem complete. But shan't complain. And this one contains an original keyholder, which when combined with the one from Tsuba, forms a "W name strap", whatever that is. AIYOOOOO, AVEX WA ZURUI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But i really can't afford to buy both DVDs, so byebye name strap san.
And also, the keyholder (and i am assuming Tsuba's strap as well) is only included in the first press. I actually emailed CDJapan whether the one they put up on their site is the first press since they mentioned nothing about it on their site and this is the reply I got.
Hi. Thank you for contacting us.
We looked into it, and learned that Avex Trax will provide the key holder
only partially, in limited quantities, for the first pressed copies.
They did not clarify whether they will provide it for 1 out of 2 first
pressed copies, or whether it would be 1 out of 10 first pressed copies.
Of course, we'll provide them in the order customers placed their first
preorders. However, due to the uncertainty, I'm unable to guarantee that
it will be included for your order.
So basically it means, we may not get the strap. Cos it depends on how many copies of the "first press" DVD Avex actually produces and provides to CDJapan. So i guess there's really nothing we poor helpless consumer/fangirls can do but pre-order as soon as we can and be higher up the "waiting list". I think even if we order from Japan's Tower Records or HMV, even though they DO mention about the strap/keyholder in their product descriptions, it's not guaranteed. Well, GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!!! *crosses fingers and toes*
- Apparently some private photos taken during Yoshitsune's filming were leaked out to public! It contains like kinen pics of the staff and cast, rehearsal pics, as well as candid shots in the dressing room etc. Don't think there were anything "rated" but there were some that had some of the young female actors (Aya and Ishihara??) without their makeup etc. Basically PRIVATE stuff that had apparently been released to the public by someone on purpose. And there was some virus attached with them too or something. Well, nothing very serious, but i'm sure Takki and the rest wouldn't be too pleased to hear about this. So yes people, be cautious before you click on some link to Takki or anyone else's "Never before seen pictures"!!!
Phew... that was some update.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Post World Cup / Superman
The team that could actually win Oscars as well. And I thought the Italian goalie look a tad like a 'Tiger Lady' *cough*transvestite*cough cough*... I dunno, was it his overly trimmed brows?? (This teaches us a lesson. Do not anyhow trim your brows if you are NOT a bishie.) My friend thought he look like a butcher. Huh??? Is there any link??? Hahhahahhaha..... But anyway, this is not to say he is not good. Thou during the crucial penalties, both goalies were technically useless. None of them touched a single ball. ha ha ha. And both teams made penalties look like chicken feet. Suddenly it made the English look bad. Hmmm.... And oh!! i finally recall who the French goalie looked like. Freddy Kreuger from Elm's Street!!!!!!! (Did i get the spelling right???) Dun u guys think so????????? XDDDD
I SO WANTED FRANCE TO WIN!! The French should have kept it at 1-0 and finished the game in 90 mins so that we can all go back to sleep!! SAVE ASIA FROM PANDA EYES!!! I had went to sleep at 11pm+, aspiring to wake at 2am to catch the game. Clock rang and i was lazing ard a bit when i heard screams from the opposite block. Ehhh???? Forced myself up and flipped on the tv and... 1-0 already??? LMAOO~~~ GREAT!!! i tot. Until Italy scored. ALAMAK~~~ *slaps forehead* And then no more goals... and then dragged on to extra time and penalities. I could almost go straight to work.
And Zidane~~~~ aiyooo... what happened????? What did the Italian say to him to provoke him like that??? I AM SOOOOO BLOODY CURIOUS. Did he insult or curse his family or anything??? That man is usually so calm!! Was so @_@. And the same referee got to give yet another DRAMATIC red card. I can now remember ONE referee's face. Poor guy. I dunno why, but i can't bring myself to blame him at all. But he IS really quite charismatic ne. (actually i want to say sexy... haha!!! yes, even with the balding head. XDDDD) Hahah... i keep looking for him on the pitch. XD Glad that he at least finished his career with a Golden Ball Award.
Zizou-sama, otsukare sama desu!! *bows*
Lotsa things i can go on about World Cup but i shall stop here. But oh, i noticed many sleepyheads on the train to and from work today. Hahahhahaha~~~ The World Cup Effect. Gawd, bring it back to Asia puhleeesseee..... the time difference will wipe out the Asian population at the rate it's going. x_x
Next up, SUPERMAN RETURNS!!!!! Personally, i liked it a lot. I dun recall much of the earlier Superman movies, but then again, it's a bad habit to compare. And the Brandon guy turned out to be much better eye candy than i tot. His 2D images on posters just weren't impressive. But on 3D and moving, ooooohhhhh... what a Superman!!! *drools a bit* I'm never into "beef" but ooh lala!! That bod... wakakkaka~~~ LOL. I conclude there are at least THREE LETTERS you need to be a Superman.
The Letter "S" on the front of your chest.
The W-shaped chin.
The V-shaped bod.
WOOHOO~~~~ And oh, his costume this time really has so much more texture to it. So din look as cheapo as last time. Pretty regal I would say. And i actually quite like that scene where a bad guy fired a bullet into his eye. The smug look he gave. Hahhaha..... kakkoii!!!! And am telling Loracyn now, i think they must have airbrushed every scene cos he looked freaking FLAWLESS AND PORELESS!!!!! Yaya, i know. He's from the highly-evolved race of Kryptonians. Luckily he is if not i will be crying foul. So does that mean humans will one day too, evolved into beings with poreless skin??? GREAT!! we can do away with SK2 then. WAKAKKAKKA~~~~
But ANYWAY, i quite like the plot too. And i must be getting old, but really felt for him and Lois... So sad that they cannot be together. And anyone knows if Superman ages at the same rate as humans???? And why can't he just dump Lex in space????? AND HOW DARE LEX STEP ON HIM AT THAT SPIKEY CONTINENT??!?!!!!!!! Soooooooo heartbroken at that scene... T-T
I had so much to say after watching the movie but i guess it's bad when u dun get down to saying it fast enough. Cos you will FORGET what to say. This is clearly a sign of aging.... *criesssssss* Mebe i will recall later when you guys comment. Tonikaku, the Brandon guy turned out to be a DARN FINE example of a PRETTY AMERICAN BOY (that saves
Oh dear... TAKKI, WHERE ARE YOU?!???????????? *runs off in frantic search*